How To Take Sick Leave in Germany  Guide

Sick Leave in Germany [2024] - Navigate Germany

This guide will take you through the basics of the sick leave system in Germany including duration and kind of illnesses covered under sick leave. We will also explain the rules, benefits, and drawbacks of taking sick leave in Germany.

Step by Step Guide to Take Sick leave in Germany

Inform Your Employer

If you are taking sick leave for more than 3 days, you must submit a work certificate (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) to your employer to inform you that you are unable to work. You can also inform your supervisor or HR department by giving a sick notice (Krankmeldung). You can use any mode of communication like email, call, or text message but it is good to ask your supervisor during the first month of employment regarding the preferred mode of communication.

Go To A Doctor

Request your Doctor to make a sick note or a medical certificate for you so you can submit it when you are back to the office. Each company has a different policy. Some companies need medical certificates after four sick leaves. Being an expat in germany, it is good to confirm the rules so you can comply with them whenever needed.

Send A Sick Note To Employer And Health Insurance

The yellow note (Gelber Schein) or a sick note (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) is available in three versions. Two of these versions must be submitted to the health insurance and employer whereas one is for your own record. ‘Ausfertigung zur Vorlage bei der Krankenkasse’ will appear in large characters on the health insurance form, and ‘Ausfertigung zur Vorlage beim Arbeitgeber’ will appear on the employer form.

Reasons to Take Sick Leave

You can avail your sick leave for multiple reasons such as physical or mental well-being or health issues of your children. If you are taking your sick leave due to physical or mental severe illness, it would be long-term sick leave, whereas minor illness will be covered under short-term sick leave.

What Does a Sick Note Look Include?

inform your doctor that you need a sick note during your appointment. Your doctor will determine the number of days you would be on leave. A sick note have three sections:

  • Details of your health insurance are covered on a page that will be delivered to your insurance company directly by your doctor.
  • Length of your sick leave, not the nature is mentioned on the second page that will be submitted to your employer. He cannot find out the details of sickness and has no right to inquire about your illness.
  • Third page will have your personal records.

When Do You Need a Sick Note?

Each company has a different policy for a number of sick days. Some companies need a Sick Note from your doctor from the 3rd or 4th day of Sickness. It is good to take a sick note even if you are not too ill because your illness might get worse. If you fell ill on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be added to your sick days.

Are Your Sick Leaves Paid?

Yes, sick leaves are paid in Germany and you will be paid full salary by your employer because of the Continued Remuneration (Entgeltfortzahlung). According to the Continued Remuneration, your employer is bound to pay full salary if you cannot work for six weeks due to illness. Employers will not pay if you are sick during the first month of your job but you can apply for the sick pay from your government-funded health insurance.

Sick Pay for Publicly Insured People

If you are publicly insured and ill for more than six weeks, you will receive sick pay (Krankengeld). You can receive Krankengeld for over a period of 72 weeks. 

Sick Pay for Privately Insured People

If you are privately insured, you cannot claim sick pay. If your tariff includes it, you can claim your sickness allowance (Krankentagegeld). Ottonova is a German Private Health Insurance provider that provides a daily sickness allowance.

Sick Pay for Self Employed or Freelancers

If you are a freelancer or self employed, you will cover your losses due to illness yourself. It is good to have private insurance for sickness benefits.

The Amount of Sick Pay

The amount you receive for your sick pay depends on the situation and your salary. Usually, you receive 70% of your gross salary or 90% of your net salary, whichever is lower.

Unemployment benefits, long-term care, and pension benefits will be deducted from your sick pay.

Another Job During Sick Leave

Employees are not allowed to do any paid work during sick leaves. If you do so, it would be an illegal activity and your relationship with the management will suffer. Your employer will not trust you again or he might terminate you without any notice. If you are feeling better, you must rejoin your office, return to work sooner, get another sick note with shorter dates from your doctor, and resubmit to your employer. It is not compulsory to join sooner and you can take a good rest till the end date written on your sick note.

Maximum Annual Sick Days

According to Germany’s most powerful worker unions, you can avail up to 30 sick days per year. If sick leaves are taken by you year after year, they would be deemed excessive and result in termination. 

Eligibility of Sickness Benefit

Follow these requirements to apply for the sickness benefit:

  • Working and contributing to the government-run health insurance plan.
  • Have a German work permit (if applicable).
  • Employer has stopped your payment if you are sick for more than 6 weeks.
  • You are unfit to work as per certificate received by your doctor.
  • Agree to a medical exam.

If you meet these requirements, your Sickness Benefit (Krankengeld) depends on a German Private health insurance provider’s policy. In case of any confusion, you must consult your insurance provider. 

Apply For Sickness Benefits (Krankengeld)

If you have a certificate that indicates you are unfit to work (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung – AU), your doctor will send it to your health insurance provider. Other copies will be for your employer so send him via post. Your insurance provider will inform you if you are entitled to sickness benefit and how to apply for it. If you are not eligible, you can apply for unemployment or long-term care benefits.

Final Remarks

30 sick leaves per year are allowed to the employee but do not make it your habit and do not avail your sick leaves without any illness. Whenever you are sick, get an appointment from your doctor, request a sick note, and submit it to your employer if you are sick for 3 or more days. If there is a weekend during your sick leaves, days will be counted in your total number of sick leaves.

Jibran Shahid

Jibran Shahid

Hi, I am Jibran, your Fellow Expat living in Germany since 2014, With my 10 years of experience, my aim is to bring you the well researched guides about life in Germany

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