German Social Security Number  Detailed Guide

German Social Security Number [2024 Detailed Guide] - Navigate Germany

Germany is the first practically welfare state in the world due to its old-age social insurance program started in 1889. To avail social security benefits, German residents gets Social Security number.

Social Security System (Pflichtversichert)

Employees has to contribute to the Social Security System every month if earnings are more than 538 Euros per month.

The Social Security System consists of five pillars to facilitate its members:

  • Accident at work Insurance (Unfallversicheerung)
  • Long-term care Insurance (Pflegeversicheerung)
  • Public Health Insurance
  • Pension Insurance Fund (Rentenversicherung)
  • Unemployment Insurance (Arbeitslosenversicherung)

Social Security Number (Sozialversicherungsnummer)

Social Security Number or SSN or Social Security ID (Sozialversicherungsnummer) is similar to National Insurance Number in the UK. It is also called;

  • SV-Nummer
  • Rentenversicherungsnummer
  • RV-Nummer
  • RNVR

It is assigned to every German at birth or when they get registered in health insurance. Remember that SSN is totally different from the Tax ID (Steueridentifikationsnummer). Every employee gets a unique SSN when an employer enrolls their employees to the social security system in Germany which is used to track the record of every citizen’s contribution.

If you are employed, you will have a 12-digit unique SSN Social Security Number which is used as your identification with the German Public Pension Office (Deutsche Rentenversicherung).

It consists of eleven numbers and one alphabet;

  • 1-2 is the number of the local Pension Insurance Office.
  • 3-8 is the applicant’s date of birth.
  • 9 is the first letter of the applicant’s last name.
  • 10-11 are from gender serial numbers. 00-49 for males and 50-99 for females.
  • 12 is a random check digit.

Benefits of Social Security Contribution

Here are the benefits:

  • Expenses from the first doctor’s visit to prenatal care in Maternity cases and other illnesses are financially covered through public health insurance.
  • Long-term care during old age and critical sickness is financially covered.
  • When returning to your home country, claim back the Pension payments.
  • Expenses till recovery are covered due to an accident at work.
  • Get unemployment insurance when unemployed.
  • Housing benefits (Wohngeld) to citizens with lower incomes in terms of renting support (Mietzuschuss), mortgage, or home update support (Lastenzuschuss).
  • Government provides for the child’s clothing, food, and education as Child Benefits (Kindergeld).
  • The Social Security System is very kind to mothers-to-be and  provides financial coverage, pre, and post-natal care six weeks before and eight weeks after childbirth, and paid maternity leaves to the mother as maternity benefits (Mutterschaftsgeld).
  • Every parent gets a parental allowance (Elterngeld) to support them financially in the early stages of the upbringing of their newborn child.
  • If you are unable to work due to long-term illness, sickness benefit (krankengeld) is given for up to 78 weeks.
  • If your child is ill, you can take paid leave and your employer or public health insurance will pay you in terms of child sickness benefits (Kinderkrankengeld).
  • Many tax-free benefits

Requirements to Get Social Security Number

  • Get your address registration (Anmeldung) at the Citizen’s office (Burgeramt) to receive your residence permit which is necessary to get your SSN.
  • ID card with active online ID functioning
  • Health insurance registration
  • Smartphone with NFC and AusweisApp2
  • Computer with Windows or macOS with AusweisApp2

Sozialversicherungsnummer with Public Health Insurance

Sign up with public health insurance and automatically register in the German Social Security System. After four to six weeks, the German pension fund will send you a letter via post mail containing your Sozialversicherungsausweis (social security card) and your Social Insurance Number.

You must have a Social Security Number on the first day of your employment. To expedite the process, urge online for a membership confirmation (Mitgliedsbescheinigung) from your health insurance provider, three to four days after signing up.

Sozialversicherungsnummer with Private Health Insurance

Your private health insurance provider will conduct the process for your German SSN.

If you are recently employed, the employer will apply for your SSN. Otherwise, you can get it through the public pension office. Take your passport and provide the required information to apply for it.

SSN for Expat Students

Students do not need it but if they want to work, they must have it.

What If a Social Security Card is Lost?

You can get it by ordering again, online. But remember your Social Security Number assigned to you before.


German citizens and employees are bound to follow the rules implemented by the German government. The Social Security and Welfare system is very beneficial, so you must have a social security number as an essential document.

Jibran Shahid

Jibran Shahid

Hi, I am Jibran, your Fellow Expat living in Germany since 2014, With my 10 years of experience, my aim is to bring you the well researched guides about life in Germany

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